Quando eu caminhei na chuva senti a água gelada caindo sobre meu corpo quente
toda tensão, toda raiva ainda estavam ali presente, tão recente....
Quando caminhei na chuva senti o cheiro de terra molhada
aquele cheiro tipico de uma cidade que tudo passa numa lenta marcha
Quando caminhei na chuva meus olhos ficaram embaçados
eu não conseguia ver de fato
Quando caminhei na chuva primeiro senti raiva de molhada estar
e tudo tão lentamente passar
Quando caminhei na chuva aquele breve instante virou eternidade
o tempo congelou e já não existia mais nada, nenhuma maldade
O tempo congelou, não havia amor, nem dor.
Só existia a chuva e tudo era silêncio e disso veio a calmaria
A natureza enfim estava em harmonia.
Quando caminhei na chuva me senti capaz e ai foi quando encontrei de fato a paz.
terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2016
terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2016
Not so much to heaven, not so much the land
grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference”
Balance, this prayer portrayed
the importance of we balance our lives
maybe that's the word that since
long ago humanity has been searching for, however without actually finding. Balance
is vital to human relationships. When we adopt extremist positions any cause
ceases to be won, in social or personal aspects.
Extremist positions happen when
rationality gives in to dogmatism, ceases arguments and an idea becomes
absolute, becomes an end in itself. I believe that when arguments and
justifications are done, it is where the errors will become evident and what
could be good, becomes its opposite.
Our own history shows us these
questions, for example, how capitalism was born of a class that aimed to be
inserted in a society to survive and ends up becoming extreme in supply and
demand of products destroying an entire planet. Adolf Hitler aimed to rebuild
Germany, make this country grow after being destroyed during the First World
War, but adopting extremist positions he exterminated in mass Jewish and Polish.
Other movement is the Taliban, also born of a revolt to Russia, that had taken
their land and tax terror, but this movement adopts extremist positions and
they manipulate their own people and impose terror worldwide
Another example, there was a
serious attack against Paris in November, 13th. The attacks consisted of mass shootings,
suicide bombings, explosions and use of hostages. In all, there were three
separate explosions and six mass shootings. At least 137 people died (including
the seven terrorists who perpetrated the attacks. ISIS Islamic State, claimed
responsibility for the attacks. They were motivated by the Islamic state as a
"retaliation" for France's role in the military intervention in Syria
and Iraque. The attacks were compared in terror that occurred in France since
the Second World War, for many years France had not seen a massacre like this.
Finally, I would like to wish you
much peace and balance, because it’s necessary to accept others as they are. When
we adopt extreme positions, we are disqualifying people with whom we interact. This
happens in these examples that I named, where
people acted extremist manner and was set back humanity. Inevitably, there will
be a loss to both parties because in a relationship, there is no way for just
one to win and the other lose, directly or indirectly, both parties win or both
parties lose. That is what makes it unique, singular. It´s necessary more love
in the world, it´s necessary more respect towards differences and for this you must
have balance, as the title of my speech, not so much the heaven, not so much
the land, but the balance among things.
Thank you
Do women really developed in society?
Nowadays, women won a large space in the economy, in politics, in sports
and in all sectors of society. We broke with many social barriers and
prejudices historically consolidated. All these achievements have been acquired with many struggles of gender. However, despite this
great progress, we still see women in many companies exercising the same
function as men and earning a lower salary.
This social stereotype formed in our minds that women should earn lower
wages, is the fact that historically the man was seen as the breadwinner and
that the woman would not work for remuneration, but only take care of the
children and the house and when they ventured to work payment would be
complementary character.
And according to false rooted conception in current
society, we have differences of gender, as shown “Instituto Brasileiro de
Geografia e Estatística (IBGE)” about “women in the labor market” released in
2009, women continue to earn less than men, although
we've increased our education, either the basic
or higher education, equating to men. Other research, conducted by the Inter-American
Development Bank – IDB, shows that despite the recent economic growth and
policies to reduce inequalities, wage differences related to gender and
ethnicity remain significant in Latin American countries.
I believe in these statements, there is a lot of prejudice that we must
overcome, however I come back to the idea that women are thriving in almost
every sector of our society, as the sports, politics, companies etc and in many
cases these pay differences do not exist, for example in my job, which is in
the public sector, eveyone earns the same salary, which varies is the level of
education and position.
I would like to end this article emphasizing that we
women had great victories and we are increasingly conquering our space, but for
this to become a reality, and our rights are equivalent to the man, it´s
necessary we continue fighting and discussing the issue.
quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2016
Entre tombos, recaídas e lágrimas, eis-me aqui em pé!!!
Sim cameleoa, ei de me adaptar a qualquer ambiente, ei de me levantar a cada tombo sacudirei a poeira e de cabeça em pé continuarei.....
Se já pensei em desistir?
Ah! sim muitas vezes... E muitas vezes elaborei outros planos e assim resolvi continuar..
A cada tombo eu sangro, dói e dói muito, porém descubro forças em mim que nem sabia que tinha e uma força me levar a seguir em frente...
Olho tantas vezes para trás, tantas vezes dentro de mim em busca de respostas, mas essas respostas nunca chegam, pelo contrario, eis que surgem mais questões e dessas questões que me impulsionam a viver a buscar significados...
Camaleoa sim!!
Sim cameleoa, ei de me adaptar a qualquer ambiente, ei de me levantar a cada tombo sacudirei a poeira e de cabeça em pé continuarei.....
Se já pensei em desistir?
Ah! sim muitas vezes... E muitas vezes elaborei outros planos e assim resolvi continuar..
A cada tombo eu sangro, dói e dói muito, porém descubro forças em mim que nem sabia que tinha e uma força me levar a seguir em frente...
Olho tantas vezes para trás, tantas vezes dentro de mim em busca de respostas, mas essas respostas nunca chegam, pelo contrario, eis que surgem mais questões e dessas questões que me impulsionam a viver a buscar significados...
Camaleoa sim!!
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